Sunday, November 1, 2020

Experimenting with Manual Mode during the day

 Almost as quickly as I had pondered the idea, I started trying it. 

Yesterday I took the pump out of auto-mode in the morning and I started correcting toward 90 mg/dL throughout the day. It worked pretty well. My basal was still pretty aggressive and was probably doing most of the work. I stayed in the 90-110 mg/dL range most of the day and things were pretty uneventful. At dinner I had some beer,  soup with pinto beans in it, and then some pumpkin pie, and it was really hard to take enough insulin to keep me in range. I chased it with boluses, and took a walk, and when I went to bed I was at 197 mg/dL and I popped back into AM for bed. During the night my BG came down to 130 mg/dL by 1am. During the night I had a request for calibration or BG (I can't remember) and I entered the last reading it had as a BG and went back to sleep. It's cheating, but being woken up is worse than cheating. 😳 I'm always looking for ways to win against the alerts and alarms on this pump.

Some stats from yesterday: 

Sensor average: 135,  Standard Deviation 49, 6 corrections totaling 7 units, TDD 47.3 units

Questions I have... by not using AM during the day, am I depriving the pump of data that helps it keep me in range better? Or, does it know me well enough by now that it can jump in at any time? The warm-up period for AM is MM with sensor, so maybe I'm just warming it up all day?

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